Source code for x84.bbs.door

Door package for x/84.

This implements the concept of "Doors", popular for DOS BBS software.

It also supports executing external Unix paths. See wikipedia article
for details:

# std imports
import logging
import select
import codecs
import struct
import time
import sys
import os
import re

# local imports
from x84.bbs.session import getsession, getterminal
from x84.bbs.output import echo
from x84.bbs.ini import get_ini
from x84.bbs.userbase import list_users

[docs]class Dropfile(object): """ Dropfile export class. From > the 1990s on, most BBS software had the capability to "drop to" doors. > Several standards were developed for passing connection and user > information to doors; this was usually done with "dropfiles", small > binary or text files dropped into known locations in the BBS's file > system. """ #: Dropfile type constants (DOORSYS, DOOR32, CALLINFOBBS, DORINFO) = range(4) def __init__(self, filetype=None, node=None): """ Class initializer. :param int filetype: dropfile type. One of ``Dropfile.DOORSYS``, ``Dropfile.DOOR32``, ``Dropfile.CALLINFOBBS``, or ``Dropfile.DORINFO``. :param int node: A node number specified by caller; for some DOS doors, this is a very specific and limited number bounded and lock-acquired per-door by For others, it is inconsequential, in which case the session's system-wide node number is used. """ self._filetype = filetype self._node = node
[docs] def save(self, folder): """ Save dropfile to destination ``folder``. """ f_path = os.path.join(folder, self.filename) with, 'w', 'ascii', 'replace') as out_p: out_p.write(self.__str__())
@property def node(self): """ User's node number. """ return self._node or getsession().node @property def location(self): """ User location. """ return getsession().user.location @property def fullname(self): """ User fullname. Returns ``<handle> <handle>``. """ return '%s %s' % ( getsession().user.handle, getsession().user.handle,) @property def securitylevel(self): """ User security level. Always 30, or 100 for sysop. """ return 100 if getsession().user.is_sysop else 30 @property def numcalls(self): """ Number of calls by user. """ return getsession().user.calls @property def lastcall_date(self): """ Date of last call (format is ``%m/%d/%y``). """ return time.strftime( '%m/%d/%y', time.localtime(getsession().user.lastcall)) @property def lastcall_time(self): """ Time of last call (format is ``%H:%M``). """ return time.strftime( '%H:%M', time.localtime(getsession().user.lastcall)) @property def time_used(self): """ Time used (session duration) in seconds. """ return int(time.time() - getsession().connect_time) @property def remaining_secs(self): """ Remaining seconds (always returns ``15360``). """ return 256 * 60 @property def remaining_mins(self): """ Remaining minutes (always returns ``256``). """ return 256 @property def comport(self): """ Com port (always returns ``COM1``). """ return 'COM1' @property def comspeed(self): """ Com speed (always returns ``57600``). """ return 57600 @property def comtype(self): """ Com type (always returns ``0``). """ return 0 # Line 1 : Comm type (0=local, 1=serial, 2=telnet) @property def comhandle(self): """ Com handle (always returns ``0``). """ return 0 # Line 2 : Comm or socket handle @property def parity(self): """ Data parity. """ return 8 @property def password(self): """ Password of user. """ return '<encrypted>' @property def pageheight(self): """ Terminal height. """ return getterminal().height @property def systemname(self): """ BBS System name. """ return get_ini('system', 'software') or 'x/84' @property def xferprotocol(self): """ preferred transfer protocol. """ return 'X' # x-modem for now, we don't have any xfer code/prefs @property def usernum(self): """ User record number. """ try: return list_users().index(getsession().user.handle) except ValueError: return 999 @property def sysopname(self): """ name of sysop. """ return get_ini('system', 'sysop') or u'' @property def alias(self): """ current session's handle. """ return getsession().user.handle @property def filename(self): """ Filename of given dropfile. """ if self._filetype == self.DOORSYS: return 'DOOR.SYS' elif self._filetype == self.DOOR32: return 'DOOR32.SYS' elif self._filetype == self.CALLINFOBBS: return 'CALLINFO.BBS' elif self._filetype == self.DORINFO: # n in DORINFO<n>.DEF is 1-9,0,a-z if self.node == 10: nodeid = '0' elif self.node < 10: nodeid = str(self.node) else: nodeid = chr(ord('a') + (self.node - 11)) assert ord(nodeid) <= ord('z') return 'DORINFO{0}.DEF'.format(nodeid).upper() else: raise ValueError('filetype is unknown: {0}'.format(self._filetype)) def __str__(self): """ Return dropfile content. """ method = { self.DOORSYS: self._get_doorsys, self.DOOR32: self._get_door32, self.CALLINFOBBS: self._get_callinfo, self.DORINFO: self._get_dorinfo, }.get(self._filetype, None) if method is None: raise ValueError('unknown dropfile filetype: {self._filetype}' .format(self=self)) return method() def _get_doorsys(self): """ Return door.sys-formatted dropfile content. """ return (u'{self.comport}:\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'{self.parity}\r\n' u'{self.node}\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'Y\r\n' # screen? u'Y\r\n' # printer? u'Y\r\n' # pager alarm? u'Y\r\n' # caller alartm? u'{self.fullname}\r\n' u'{self.location}\r\n' u'123-456-7890\r\n' # phone number1 u'123-456-7890\r\n' # phone number2 u'{self.password}\r\n' u'{self.securitylevel}\r\n' u'{self.numcalls}\r\n' u'{self.lastcall_date}\r\n' u'{self.remaining_secs}\r\n' u'{self.remaining_mins}\r\n' u'GR\r\n' # graphics mode u'{self.pageheight}\r\n' u'N\r\n' # expert mode? u'1,2,3,4,5,6,7\r\n' # conferences u'1\r\n' # conf. sel, exp. date u'01/01/99\r\n' # exp. date u'{self.usernum}\r\n' u'{self.xferprotocol}\r\n' u'0\r\n' # total num. uploads u'0\r\n' # total num, downloads u'0\r\n' # daily d/l limit u'9999999\r\n' # return val/write val u'01/01/2001\r\n' # birthdate # TODO u'C:\\XXX\r\n' # filepaths to bbs files ... u'C:\\XXX\r\n' # filepaths to bbs files ... u'{self.sysopname}\r\n' # sysop's name u'{self.alias}\r\n' # user's alias u'00:05\r\n' # event time(?) u'Y\r\n' # error-correcting connection u'Y\r\n' # is ANSI in NG mode? u'Y\r\n' # use record locking? u'7\r\n' # default color .. u'{self.remaining_mins}\r\n' u'09/09/99\r\n' # last new file scan, u'{self.lastcall_time}\r\n' # time of this call u'{self.lastcall_time}\r\n' # time of last call u'9999\r\n' # max daily files u'0\r\n' # num. files today u'0\r\n' # u/l Kb today u'0\r\n' # d/l Kb today u'None\r\n' # user comment u'0\r\n' # doors opened u'0\n' # msgs left .format(self=self)) def _get_door32(self): """ Return door32.sys-formatted dropfile content. """ return (u'{self.comtype}\r\n' u'{self.comhandle}\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'{self.systemname}\r\n' u'{self.usernum}\r\n' u'{self.fullname}\r\n' u'{self.alias}\r\n' u'{self.securitylevel}\r\n' u'{self.remaining_mins}\r\n' u'1\r\n' # emulation (1=ansi) u'{self.node}\n' .format(self=self)) def _get_callinfo(self): """ Return callinfo.BBS-formatted dropfile content. """ return (u'{self.alias}\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'{self.location}\r\n' u'{self.securitylevel}\r\n' u'{self.remaining_mins}\r\n' u'COLOR\r\n' # COLOR=ansi u'{self.password}\r\n' u'{self.usernum}\r\n' u'{self.time_used}\r\n' u'01:23\r\n' # 1 u'01:23 01/02/90\r\n' # .. u'ABCDEFGH\r\n' # .. u'0\r\n' # .. u'99\r\n' # .. u'0\r\n' # .. u'9999\r\n' # 7 unknown fields, u'123-456-7890\r\n' # phone number u'01/01/90 02:34\r\n' # unknown date/time u'NOVICE\r\n' # expert mode (off) u'{self.xferprotocol}\r\n' u'01/01/90\r\n' # unknown date u'{self.numcalls}\r\n' u'{self.pageheight}\r\n' u'0\r\n' # ptr to new msgs? u'0\r\n' # total u/l u'0\r\n' # total d/l u'{self.parity}\r\n' # ?? like 8,N,1 ?? u'REMOTE\r\n' # local or remote? u'{self.comport}\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'FALSE\r\n' # unknown, u'Normal Connection\r\n' # unknown, u'01/02/94 01:20\r\n' # unknown date/time u'0\r\n' # task # u'1\n' # door # .format(self=self)) def _get_dorinfo(self): """ Return DORINFO.DEF-formatted dropfile content. """ return (u'{self.systemname}\r\n' u'{self.sysopname}\r\n' # sysop u'{self.sysopname}\r\n' # sysop u'{self.comport}\r\n' u'{self.comspeed}\r\n' u'0\r\n' # "networked"? u'{self.alias}\r\n' # user u'{self.alias}\r\n' # user u'{self.location}\r\n' u'1\r\n' # term (1=ansi) u'{self.securitylevel}\r\n' u'{self.remaining_mins}\r\n' u'-1\n' # fossil (-1=external) .format(self=self))
[docs]class Door(object): """ Spawns a subprocess and pipes input and output over bbs session. """ time_ipoll = 0.05 time_opoll = 0.05 blocksize = 7680 master_fd = None def __init__(self, cmd='/bin/uname', args=(), env=None, cp437=False, raw=False): """ Class initializer. :param str cmd: full path of command to execute. :param tuple args: command arguments as tuple. :param bool cp437: When true, forces decoding of external program as codepage 437. This is the most common encoding used by DOS doors. :param dict env: Environment variables to extend to the sub-process. You should more than likely specify values for TERM, PATH, HOME, and LANG. :param bool raw: Whether or not to use raw output """ self._session, self._term = getsession(), getterminal() self.cmd = cmd if isinstance(args, tuple): self.args = (self.cmd,) + args elif isinstance(args, list): self.args = [self.cmd, ] + args else: raise ValueError('args must be tuple or list') self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.env = (env or {}).copy() self.env.update( {'LANG': env.get('LANG', 'en_US.UTF-8'), 'TERM': env.get('TERM', self._term.kind), 'PATH': env.get('PATH', get_ini('door', 'path')), 'HOME': env.get('HOME', os.getenv('HOME')), 'LINES': str(self._term.height), 'COLUMNS': str(self._term.width), }) self.cp437 = cp437 self._utf8_decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf8')() self.raw = raw
[docs] def run(self): """ Begin door execution. pty.fork() is called, child process calls execvpe() while the parent process pipes session IPC data to and from the slave pty, until the child process exits. """ try: import termios import fcntl import pty except ImportError as err: raise OSError('door support not (yet) supported on {0} platform.' .format(sys.platform.lower())) self.log.debug('os.execvpe(cmd={self.cmd}, args={self.args}, ' 'env={self.env})'.format(self=self)) try: pid, self.master_fd = pty.fork() except OSError as err: # too many open files, out of memory, no such file/directory self.log.error('OSError in pty.fork(): %s', err) return # child process if pid == pty.CHILD: sys.stdout.flush() # send initial screen size _bytes = struct.pack( 'HHHH', self._term.height, self._term.width, 0, 0) # pylint: disable=E1101 # Instance of 'DummyStream' has no 'fileno' member fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCSWINSZ, _bytes) try: os.execvpe(self.cmd, self.args, self.env) except OSError as err: # we cannot log an exception, only print to stderr and have # it captured by the parent process; this is because our # 'log' instance is dangerously forked, and any attempt to # communicate with multiprocessing pipes, loggers, etc. will # cause the value and state of many various file descriptors # to become corrupted, as our file descriptors are shared. sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (err,)) # pylint: disable=W0212 # Access to a protected member _exit of a client class os._exit(1) # parent process # # execute self._loop() and catch all i/o and o/s errors try:'exec/%s: %r, env=%r', pid, self.args, self.env) self._loop() except IOError as err: self.log.error('IOError: %s', err) except OSError as err: # errno 5 is OK: it occurs when a read() call occurs after # sys.stdout has been closed by the child. if err.errno != 5: self.log.error('OSError: %s', err) (pid, status) = os.waitpid(pid, 0) res = status >> 8 log_func = self.log.error if res != 0 else self.log.debug log_func('%s child %s exit %d', self.cmd, pid, res) os.close(self.master_fd) return res
[docs] def input_filter(self, data): """ Derive and modify to implement a keyboard-input filter. When keyboard input is detected, this method may filter such input. This base class method simply returns data as-is. """ return data
[docs] def output_filter(self, data): """ Filter output (performs cp437 encoding). Given door output in bytes, if 'cp437' is specified in class initializer, convert to utf8 glyphs using cp437 encoding; otherwise decode output naturally as utf8. """ if self.cp437: # cp437 bytes don't need to be incrementally decoded, each # byte is always final. return data.decode('cp437_art') # utf-8, however, may be read mid-stream of a multibyte sequence. decoded = list() for byte in data: ucs = self._utf8_decoder.decode(byte, final=False) if ucs is not None: decoded.append(ucs) return u''.join(decoded)
[docs] def resize(self): """ Signal resize of terminal to pty. """ import termios import fcntl _bytes = struct.pack('HHHH', self._term.height, self._term.width, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(self.master_fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, _bytes)
def _loop(self): """ Main event loop, polling i/o of pty and session. """ while True: # block up to self.time_opoll for screen output if self.master_fd == -1: # pty file descriptor closed by child, # early termination! break rlist = (self.master_fd,) ret_tuple =, (), (), self.time_opoll) if self.master_fd in ret_tuple[0]: data =, self.blocksize) if 0 == len(data): break if self.raw: self._session.write(data.decode('iso8859-1'), 'iso8859-1') else: echo(self.output_filter(data)) # block up to self.time_ipoll for keyboard input events = ('input',) if not self.raw: events += ('refresh',) event, data = self._session.read_events(events, self.time_ipoll) if event == 'refresh' and data[0] == 'resize': self.resize() elif event == 'input': if not self.raw: data = self.input_filter(data) if 0 != len(data): n_written = os.write(self.master_fd, data) if n_written != len(data): # we wrote none or some of our keyboard input, but # not all. re-buffer remaining bytes back into # session for next poll self._session.buffer_input(data[n_written:]) self.log.warn('re-buffer_input(%r)!', data[n_written:])
[docs]class DOSDoor(Door): """ Door-derived class with special handlers for executing dosemu. This Door-derived class removes the "report cursor position" query sequence, which is sent by DOSEMU on startup. It also removes the "switch to alternate screen mode" set and reset (blessings terminals provide this with the context manager, using statement ``with term.fullscreen():``). It would appear that any early keyboard input received (esp. in response to "report cursor position") prior to DOOR execution in DOSEMU causes all input to be bitshifted and invalid and/or broken. This class resolves that issue by overriding ``output_filter`` to remove such sequences, and ``input_filter`` which only allows input after a few seconds have elapsed. """ #: regular expression of sequences to be replaced by ``term.clear`` #: during ``START_BLOCK`` delay in ``output_filter`` RE_REPWITH_CLEAR = (r'\033\[(' r'1;80H.*\033\[1;1H' r'|H\033\[2J' r'|\d+;1H.*\033\[1;1H' r')') #: regular expression of sequences to strip entirely during #: ``START_BLOCK`` delay in ``output_filter``. RE_REPWITH_NONE = (r'\033\[(' r'6n' r'|\?1049[lh]' r'|\d+;\d+r' r'|1;1H\033\[\dM)') #: Number of seconds to allow to elapse for ``input_filter`` and #: ``output_filter`` as a workaround for stripping startup sequences #: and working around a strange keyboard input bug. START_BLOCK = 4.0 def __init__(self, cmd='/bin/uname', args=(), env=None, cp437=True): """ Class initializer. :param str cmd: full path of command to execute. :param tuple args: command arguments as tuple. :param bool cp437: When true, forces decoding of external program as codepage 437. This is the most common encoding used by DOS doors. :param dict env: Environment variables to extend to the sub-process. You should more than likely specify values for TERM, PATH, HOME, and LANG. """ Door.__init__(self, cmd=cmd, args=args, env=env, cp437=cp437) self._re_trim_clear = re.compile(self.RE_REPWITH_CLEAR, flags=re.DOTALL) self._re_trim_none = re.compile(self.RE_REPWITH_NONE, flags=re.DOTALL) self._replace_clear = u''.join((self._term.move(25, 0), (u'\r\n' * 25), self._term.home))
[docs] def output_filter(self, data): """ filter screen output (removes dosemu startup sequences). """ data = Door.output_filter(self, data) if self._stime is not None and ( time.time() - self._stime < self.START_BLOCK): data = re.sub(pattern=self._re_trim_clear, repl=(self._replace_clear), string=data) data = re.sub(pattern=self._re_trim_none, repl=u'\r\n', string=data) return data
[docs] def input_filter(self, data): """ filter keyboard input (used for "throway" bug workaround). """ return data if time.time() - self._stime > self.START_BLOCK else u''
[docs] def resize(self): """ Signal resize of terminal to DOS -- does nothing. """ pass
[docs] def run(self): """ Begin door execution. pty.fork() is called, child process calls execvpe() while the parent process pipes telnet session IPC data to and from the slave pty until child process exits. On exit, DOSDoor flushes any keyboard input; DOSEMU appears to send various terminal reset sequences that may cause a reply to be received on input, and later as an invalid menu command. """ self._stime = time.time() # fight against 'set scrolling region' by resetting, LORD # contains, for example: \x1b[3;22r after 'E'nter the realm echo(u''.join((self._term.normal, self._term.move(self._term.height, self._term.width), u"\x1b[r", self._term.move(self._term.height, 0), u'\r\n\r\n'))) # flush any previously decoded but unreceived keystrokes, # and any unprocessed input from telnet session not yet processed. self._term.kbflush() self._session.flush_event('input')