Source code for x84.bbs.session

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Session engine for x/84. """

# std imports
import collections
import traceback
import logging
import pickle
import time
import imp
import sys
import os

# local
from x84.bbs.exception import Disconnected, Goto
from x84.bbs.script_def import Script
from x84.bbs.userbase import User
from x84.bbs.ini import get_ini

#: singleton representing the session connected by current process

[docs]def getsession(): """ Return :class:`Session` instance of current process. """ return SESSION
[docs]def getterminal(): """ Return :class:`blessed.Terminal` instance of current session. """ return getsession().terminal
[docs]def goto(script_name, *args, **kwargs): """ Change bbs script. Does not return. """ raise Goto(script_name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def disconnect(reason=u''): """ Disconnect session. Does not return. """ raise Disconnected(reason,)
[docs]def getch(timeout=None): """ A deprecated form of getterminal().inkey(). This is old behavior -- upstream blessed project does the correct thing. please use term.inkey() and see the documentation for blessed's inkey() method, it **always** returns unicode, never None, and definitely never an integer. However some internal UI libraries were built upon getch(), and as such, this remains ... """ keystroke = getterminal().inkey(timeout) # and this is the purpose for deprecation; old versions used to # return None to indicate timeout; but it is more correct to always # return strings, so that .lower() and such operations are always # successful without conditional 'is None' checks. if keystroke == u'': return None if keystroke.is_sequence: return keystroke.code return keystroke
[docs]def gosub(script, *args, **kwargs): """ Call bbs script with optional arguments, Returns value. """ script = Script(name=script, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) return getsession().runscript(script)
[docs]class Session(object): """ A per-process Session. Begins by the :meth:`run`. """ _encoding = None _decoder = None _activity = None _user = None _script_module = [] def __init__(self, terminal, sid, env, child_pipes, kind, addrport, matrix_args, matrix_kwargs): # pylint: disable=R0913 # Too many arguments """ Instantiate a Session. Only one session may be instantiated per process. :param blessed.Terminal terminal: interactive terminal associated with this session. :param str sid: session identification string :param dict env: transport-negotiated environment variables, should contain at least values for TERM and 'encoding'. :param tuple child_pipes: tuple of ``(writer, reader)``. :param str kind: transport description string (ssh, telnet) :param str addrport: transport ip address and port as string :param tuple matrix_args: When non-None, a tuple of positional arguments passed to the matrix script. :param dict matrix_kwargs: When non-None, a dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the matrix script. """ self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pylint: disable=W0603 # Using the global statement # Manage `SESSION' per-process singleton. global SESSION assert SESSION is None, 'Only one Session per process allowed' SESSION = self # public attributes self.terminal = terminal self.sid = sid self.env = env self.writer, self.reader = child_pipes self.kind = kind self.addrport = addrport # initialize keyboard encoding terminal.set_keyboard_decoder(env['encoding']) # private attributes self._script_stack = [ # Initialize the "script stack" with the matrix script # using the default configuration value of `script' for all # connections, but preferring `script_{kind}', where `kind' # may be `telnet', `ssh', or any kind of supporting transport. Script( name=get_ini('matrix', 'script_{self.kind}'.format(self=self) ) or get_ini('matrix', 'script'), args=matrix_args, kwargs=matrix_kwargs) ] self._connect_time = time.time() self._last_input_time = time.time() self._node = None # create event buffer self._buffer = dict()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Dictionary describing this session. """ retval = { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in ( 'last_input_time', 'connect_time', 'encoding', 'activity', 'idle', 'node', 'pid', 'sid', ) } retval.update(dict( handle=self.user.handle, term_kind=self.terminal.kind, term_width=self.terminal.width, term_height=self.terminal.height,, )) return retval.copy()
@property def duration(self): """ Seconds elapsed since connection began (as float). """ return time.time() - self.connect_time @property def connect_time(self): """ Time of session start (as float). """ return self._connect_time @property def last_input_time(self): """ Time of last keypress (as epoch, float). """ return self._last_input_time @property def idle(self): """ Seconds elapsed since last keypress as float. """ return time.time() - self.last_input_time @property def activity(self): """ Current session activity. This is arbitrarily set by session scripts. This also updates xterm titles, and is globally broadcasted as a "current activity" in the Who's online script, for example. """ return self._activity or u'<uninitialized>' @activity.setter def activity(self, value): # pylint: disable=C0111 # Missing docstring if self._activity != value: self.log.debug('activity=%s', value) self._activity = value if (self.terminal.kind.startswith('xterm') or self.terminal.kind.startswith('rxvt')): self.write(u'\x1b]2;{0}\x07'.format(value)) @property def user(self): """ :class:`User` instance of this session. """ return self._user or User() @user.setter def user(self, value): # pylint: disable=C0111 # Missing docstring"user {!r} -> {!r}".format(self._user, value.handle)) self._user = value @property def encoding(self): """ Session encoding, both input and output. """ return self.env.get('encoding', 'utf8') @encoding.setter def encoding(self, value): # pylint: disable=C0111 # Missing docstring if value != self.encoding: self.log.debug('session encoding {0} -> {1}' .format(self.encoding, value)) self.env['encoding'] = value getterminal().set_keyboard_decoder(value) @property def pid(self): """ Process ID of this session (int). """ return os.getpid() @property def tap_input(self): """ Whether keyboard input should be logged (bool). """ return get_ini('session', 'tap_input', getter='getboolean') @property def tap_output(self): """ Whether screen output should be logged (bool). """ return get_ini('session', 'tap_output', getter='getboolean') @property def show_traceback(self): """ Whether traceback errors should be displayed to user (bool). """ return get_ini('system', 'show_traceback', getter='getboolean') @property def script_path(self): """ Base filepath folder for all scripts. :rtype: list """ scriptpath_dirs = get_ini('system', 'scriptpath', split=True) # ensure all specified folders exist for directory in scriptpath_dirs: assert os.path.isdir(directory), ( 'configuration section [system], value scriptpath: ' 'not a folder: {!r}'.format(directory)) return scriptpath_dirs @property def current_script(self): """ The current script being executed. """ self.value = 1 if len(self._script_stack): return self._script_stack[-1] return None @property def script_module(self): """ Base python module instance for userland scripts. :rtype: list """ if not self._script_module: for directory in self.script_path: # load default/ as 'default', folder_name = os.path.basename(directory) # put it in sys.path for relative imports if directory not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, directory) # discover import path to, store result lookup = imp.find_module('__init__', [directory]) scr_module = imp.load_module(folder_name, *lookup) scr_module.__path__ = directory self._script_module.append(scr_module) return self._script_module @property def node(self): """ Unique numeric constant for this session. This makes it simpler to refer to users who are online, instead of by their full session-id (such as telnet- one can simply refer to node #1, etc.. """ if self._node is not None: return self._node for node in range(1, 65534): event = 'lock-%s/%d' % ('node', node) self.send_event(event, ('acquire', None)) data = self.read_event(event) if data is True: self._node = node return self._node def __error_recovery(self): """ Recover from general exception in script. """ if 0 != len(self._script_stack): # recover from exception fault = self._script_stack.pop() prefix = u'stop' if len(self._script_stack): # scripts remaining on the script_stack, resume the script that # called us. Make sure your calling script queries for input or # some other decision before chaining a gosub(), or you could # end up in an infinite loop of gosub() followed by a crash (!) resume = self.current_script prefix = u'resume {}'.format(resume=resume) # display error to local log handler and to the user, msg = (u'{prefix} after general exception in {}' .format(prefix=prefix, fault=fault)) self.log.error(msg) self.write(u'\r\n\r\n{msg}\r\n'.format(msg=msg)) # give time for exception to write down the IPC queue before # continuing or exiting, esp. exiting, otherwise STOP message # is not often fully received to the transport. time.sleep(2)
[docs] def run(self): """ Begin main execution of session. Scripts manipulate control flow of scripts by raising the ``Goto`` exception, or the gosub function. """'Begin session on node %s', self.node) try: while len(self._script_stack): self.log.debug('script_stack is {self._script_stack!r}' .format(self=self)) try: self.runscript(self._script_stack.pop()) continue except Goto as goto_script: self.log.debug('goto {0}'.format(goto_script.value)) self._script_stack = [goto_script.value] continue except Disconnected as err:'Disconnected: %s', err) return None except Exception as err: # Pokemon exception, log and Cc: client, then resume. e_type, e_value, e_tb = sys.exc_info() if self.show_traceback: self.write(self.terminal.normal + u'\r\n') terrs = list() for line in traceback.format_tb(e_tb): for subln in line.split('\n'): terrs.append(subln) terrs.extend( traceback.format_exception_only(e_type, e_value)) for e_txt in map(str.rstrip, terrs): self.log.error(e_txt) if self.show_traceback: self.write(e_txt + u'\r\n') # recover from general exception self.__error_recovery() self.log.debug('End of script stack.') finally: self.close()
[docs] def write(self, ucs, encoding=None): """ Write unicode data ``ucs`` to terminal. """ # do not write empty strings if not ucs: return, encoding or self.encoding) if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and self.tap_output: self.log.debug('--> {!r}'.format(ucs))
[docs] def flush_event(self, event): """ Flush and return all data buffered for ``event``. :param str event: event name. :rtype: list """ flushed = list() while True: data = self.read_event(event, -1) if data is None: if 0 != len(flushed): self.log.debug('flushed from %s: %r', event, flushed) return flushed flushed.append(data) return flushed
[docs] def buffer_event(self, event, data=None): """ Buffer and handle IPC data keyed by ``event``. :param str event: event name. :param data: event data. :rtype: bool :returns: True if the event was internally handled, and the caller should take no further action. Methods internally handled by this method: - ``global``: events where the first index of ``data`` is ``AYT``. This is sent by other sessions using the ``broadcast`` event, to discover "who is online". - ``info-req``: Where the first data value is the remote session-id that requested it, expecting a return value event of ``info-ack`` whose data values is a dictionary describing a session. This is an extension of the "who is online" event described above. - ``gosub``: Allows one session to send another to a different script, this is used by the default board ```` for a chat request. """ # exceptions aren't buffered; they are thrown! if event == 'exception': # pylint: disable=E0702 # Raising NoneType while only classes, (..) allowed raise data # these callback-responsive session events should be handled by # another method, or by a configurable 'event: callback' registration # system. # respond to global 'AYT' requests if event == 'global' and data[0] == 'AYT': reply_to = data[1] self.send_event('route', ( reply_to, 'ACK', self.sid, self.user.handle,)) return True # accept 'gosub' as a literal command to run a new script directly # from this buffer_event method. I'm sure it's fine ... if event == 'gosub': save_activity = self.activity'event-driven gosub: {0}'.format(data)) try: self.runscript(Script(*data)) finally: self.activity = save_activity # RECURSIVE: we call buffer_event to push-in a duplicate # "resize" event, so the script that was interrupted has # an opportunity to adjust to the new terminal dimensions # (if any), or in the case of subpar clients such as netrunner # and syncterm that do not handle "alt screen" correctly, # it forces a refresh in the interrupted script, though there # aren't any guarantees. # Otherwise, it is fine to not require the calling function to # refresh -- so long as the target script makes sure(!) to # use the "with term.fullscreen()" context manager. data = ('resize', (self.terminal.height, self.terminal.width,)) self.buffer_event('refresh', data) return True # respond to 'info-req' events by returning pickled session info if event == 'info-req': self.send_event('route', ( # data[0] is the session-id to return the reply to. data[0], 'info-ack', self.sid, self.to_dict())) return True if event not in self._buffer: # " Once a bounded length deque is full, when new items are added, # a corresponding number of items are discarded from the opposite # end." -- global events are meant to be disregarded, so a much # shorter queue length is used. only the foremost refresh event is # important in the case of screen resize. self._buffer[event] = collections.deque( maxlen={'global': 128, 'refresh': 1, }.get(event, 65534)) # buffer input if event == 'input': self.buffer_input(data) return False # buffer only 1 most recent 'refresh' event if event == 'refresh': if data[0] == 'resize': # inherit terminal dimensions values (self.terminal._columns, self.terminal._rows) = data[1] # buffer all else self._buffer[event].appendleft(data) return False
[docs] def buffer_input(self, data, pushback=False): """ Receive keyboard input ,``data``, into ``input`` buffer. Updates idle time, buffering raw bytes received from telnet client via event queue. Sometimes a script may poll for, and receive keyboard data, but wants to push it back in to the top of the stack to be decoded by a later call to term.inkey(); in such case, ``pushback`` should be set. :param bytes data: keyboard input data. :param bool pushback: whether it should be pushed to front of stack. """ self._last_input_time = time.time() if self.log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and self.tap_input: self.log.debug('<-- {!r}'.format(data)) if 'input' not in self._buffer: # a rare scenario: inkey() causes a first-event of 'input' to # be received without buffering from read_events(); then wants # to push it back. Here, too, we must check and construct the # input buffer. It wouldn't be bad to do this on __init__, # either. self._buffer['input'] = collections.deque(maxlen=65534) if pushback: self._buffer['input'].appendleft(data) else: self._buffer['input'].append(data)
[docs] def send_event(self, event, data): """ Send data to IPC output queue in form of (event, data). Supported ``event`` strings: - ``disconnect``: Session wishes to disconnect. - ``logger``: Data is logging record, used by IPCLogHandler. - ``output``: Unicode data to write to client. - ``global``: Broadcast event to other sessions. - ``route``: Send an event to another session. - ``db-<schema>``: Request sqlite dict method result. - ``db=<schema>``: Request sqlite dict method result as iterable. - ``lock-<name>``: Fine-grained global bbs locking. :param str event: event name. :param data: event data. """ self.writer.send((event, data))
[docs] def poll_event(self, event): """ Non-blocking poll for session event. :param str event: an IPC event queue by name, such as ``input``. :returns: first matching IPC event data, or ``None``. """ return self.read_event(event, timeout=-1)
[docs] def read_event(self, event, timeout=None): """ Return data for given ``event`` by timeout. :param str event: an IPC event queue by name, such as ``input``. :param int timeout: Value of ``None`` is blocking (default), ``-1`` is non-blocking poll. All other values are blocking up to value of timeout. :returns: first matching IPC event data. If timeout is specified and no matching IPC event is discovered, ``None`` is returned. """ return self.read_events(events=(event,), timeout=timeout)[1]
[docs] def read_events(self, events, timeout=None): """ Return the first matched IPC data for any event specified by timeout. :param tuple events: events to search for, for example ``('input', 'refresh')``. :param int timeout: Value of ``None`` is blocking (default), ``-1`` is non-blocking poll. All other values are blocking up to value of timeout. :rtype: tuple :returns: first matching IPC ``event, data`` tuple, where ``event`` matches one of the given ``events``. If timeout is specified and no matching IPC event is discovered, ``(None, None)`` is returned. """ event, data = self._pop_event_buffer(events) if event: return (event, data) timeleft = lambda cmp_time: ( None if timeout is None else timeout if timeout < 0 else timeout - (time.time() - cmp_time)) # begin scanning for matching `events' up to timeout. stime = time.time() waitfor = timeleft(stime) while waitfor is None or waitfor > 0: # ask engine process for new event data, poll = min(0.5, waitfor) or 0.01 if self.reader.poll(poll): try: event, data = self.reader.recv() except pickle.UnpicklingError as err: self.log.error(err) disconnect(reason='{0}'.format(err)) # it is necessary to always buffer an event, as some # side-effects may occur by doing so. When buffer_event # returns True, those side-effects caused no data to be # buffered, and one should not try to return any data for it. if not self.buffer_event(event, data): if event in events: return event, self._buffer[event].pop() else: event, data = self._pop_event_buffer(events) if event is not None: return (event, data) elif timeout == -1: return (None, None) waitfor = timeleft(stime) return (None, None)
def _pop_event_buffer(self, events): """ Return immediately any event-data already buffered. :rtype: tuple """ return next( ((_event, self._buffer[_event].pop()) for _event in events if len(self._buffer.get(_event, []))), (None, None))
[docs] def runscript(self, script): """ Execute the main() callable of script identified by ``script``. :param Script script: target script to execute. :returns: the return value of the given script's ``main()`` function. """"runscript {0!r}".format( self._script_stack.append(script) # if given a script name such as '', adjust the lookup # path to be extended by {default_scriptdir}/extras, and adjust # script_name to be just 'target'. script_relpath = [ directory.__path__ for directory in self.script_module ] lookup_paths = script_relpath[:] if '.' not in script_name = else: # build another system path, relative to `script_module' remaining, script_name ='.', 1) for dir_relpath in script_relpath: _lookup_path = os.path.join(dir_relpath, *remaining.split('.')) lookup_paths.append(_lookup_path) lookup = imp.find_module(script_name, lookup_paths) module = imp.load_module(script_name, *lookup) # ensure main() function exists! if not hasattr(module, 'main'): raise RuntimeError("script {0}, module {1}: main() not found." .format(script_name, module)) if not callable(module.main): raise RuntimeError("script {0}, module {1}: {2} not callable." .format(script_name, module, module.main)) # capture the return value of the script and return # to the caller -- so value = gosub('my_game') can retrieve # the return value of its main() function. value = module.main(*script.args, **script.kwargs) # remove the current script from the script stack, since it has # finished executing. self._script_stack.pop() return value
[docs] def close(self): """ Close session, currently releases ``node`` lock.. """ if self._node is not None: self.send_event( event='lock-node/%d' % (self._node), data=('release', None))