Source code for x84.bbs.ini

""" Configuration package x/84. """
# std imports
from __future__ import print_function
import logging.config
import ConfigParser
import warnings
import inspect
import getpass
import socket
import os

#: Singleton representing configuration after load
CFG = None

# pylint: disable=R0915,R0912,W0603
#         Too many statements
#         Too many branches
#         Using the global statement

[docs]def init(lookup_bbs, lookup_log): """ Initialize global 'CFG' variable, a singleton to contain bbs settings. Each variable (``lookup_bbs``, ``lookup_log``) is tuple lookup path of in-order preferences for .ini files. If none are found, defaults are initialized, and the last item of each tuple is created. """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def write_cfg(cfg, filepath): """ Write Config to filepath. """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(filepath))): dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser(filepath)) print('Creating folder {0}'.format(dir_name)) os.mkdir(dir_name) print('Saving {0}'.format(filepath)) cfg.write(open(os.path.expanduser(filepath), 'w')) # exploit last argument, presumed to be within a folder # writable by our process, and where the ini is wanted # -- specifys a default of: ~/.x84/somefile.ini loaded = False cfg_logfile = lookup_log[-1] for cfg_logfile in lookup_log: cfg_logfile = os.path.expanduser(cfg_logfile) # load-only defaults, if os.path.exists(cfg_logfile): print('loading {0}'.format((cfg_logfile))) logging.config.fileConfig(cfg_logfile) loaded = True break if not loaded: cfg_log = init_log_ini() dir_name = os.path.dirname(cfg_logfile) if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): try: os.makedirs(dir_name) except OSError as err: log.warn(err) try: write_cfg(cfg_log, cfg_logfile)'Saved %s', cfg_logfile) except IOError as err: log.error(err) logging.config.fileConfig(cfg_logfile) loaded = False cfg_bbs = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() cfg_bbsfile = lookup_bbs[-1] for cfg_bbsfile in lookup_bbs: cfg_bbsfile = os.path.expanduser(cfg_bbsfile) # load defaults, if os.path.exists(cfg_bbsfile):'loaded %s', cfg_bbsfile) loaded = True break if not loaded: cfg_bbs = init_bbs_ini() dir_name = os.path.dirname(cfg_bbsfile) if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): try: os.makedirs(dir_name) except OSError as err: log.warn(err) try: write_cfg(cfg_bbs, cfg_bbsfile)'Saved %s', cfg_bbsfile) except IOError as err: log.error(err) global CFG CFG = cfg_bbs
[docs]def init_bbs_ini(): """ Returns ConfigParser instance of bbs system defaults. """ # ### How this should have been written ... # ### # ### each module should provide a declaration, probably based on a # ### collections.namedtuple that simply states the various fields, # ### a help description, and its default values. Then, this program # ### simply "walks" the module path, importing everybody and finding # ### this declaration to build up the "default" configuration file. # ### # ### at least, in this way, the module defines its configuration scheme # ### where it is used. # wouldn't it be nice if we could use comments in the file .. ? # in such cases, it might be better to use jinja2 or something cfg_bbs = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() cfg_bbs.add_section('system') cfg_bbs.set('system', 'bbsname', 'x/84') cfg_bbs.set('system', 'sysop', '') cfg_bbs.set('system', 'software', 'x/84') # use module-level 'default' folder cfg_bbs.set('system', 'scriptpath', os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'default'))) cfg_bbs.set('system', 'datapath', os.path.expanduser(os.path.join( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'data')))) cfg_bbs.set('system', 'timeout', '1984') try: # pylint: disable=W0612 # Unused variable 'bcrypt' import bcrypt # NOQA except ImportError: cfg_bbs.set('system', 'password_digest', 'internal') else: cfg_bbs.set('system', 'password_digest', 'bcrypt') cfg_bbs.set('system', 'mail_addr', '%s@%s' % (getpass.getuser(), socket.gethostname())) cfg_bbs.set('system', 'mail_smtphost', 'localhost') # one *Could* change 'ansi' termcaps to 'ansi-bbs', for SynchTerm, # but how do we identify that 'ansi-bbs' TERM is available on this # system? hmm .. lets offer the reverse, anything beginning with # 'ansi' can changed to any other value; so we could be # unidirectional: a value of 'ansi' will translate ansi-bbs -> ansi, # and a value of 'ansi-bbs' will translate ansi -> ansi-bbs. cfg_bbs.set('system', 'termcap-ansi', 'ansi') # change 'unknown' termcaps to 'ansi': for dumb terminals cfg_bbs.set('system', 'termcap-unknown', 'ansi') # could be information leak to sensitive sysops cfg_bbs.set('system', 'show_traceback', 'yes') # store passwords in uppercase, facebook and mystic bbs does this .. cfg_bbs.set('system', 'pass_ucase', 'no') # default encoding for the showart function on UTF-8 capable terminals cfg_bbs.set('system', 'art_utf8_codec', 'cp437') cfg_bbs.add_section('telnet') cfg_bbs.set('telnet', 'enabled', 'yes') cfg_bbs.set('telnet', 'addr', '') cfg_bbs.set('telnet', 'port', '6023') cfg_bbs.add_section('ssh') try: # pylint: disable=W0612 # Unused variable 'x84' import x84.ssh # noqa cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'enabled', 'yes') except ImportError: cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'enabled', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'addr', '') cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'port', '6022') cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'hostkey', os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'ssh_host_rsa_key'))) cfg_bbs.set('ssh', 'hostkeybits', '2048') cfg_bbs.add_section('sftp') cfg_bbs.set('sftp', 'enabled', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('sftp', 'root', os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', 'x84-sftp_root'))) try: os.makedirs( os.path.join(cfg_bbs.get('sftp', 'root'), "__uploads__")) except OSError: pass cfg_bbs.set('sftp', 'uploads_filemode', '644') # rlogin only works on port 513 cfg_bbs.add_section('rlogin') cfg_bbs.set('rlogin', 'enabled', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('rlogin', 'addr', '') cfg_bbs.set('rlogin', 'port', '513') # web cfg_bbs.add_section('web') cfg_bbs.set('web', 'enabled', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('web', 'port', '443') cfg_bbs.set('web', 'cert', os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'ssl.cer'))) cfg_bbs.set('web', 'key', os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'ssl.key'))) cfg_bbs.set('web', 'chain', os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'ca.cer'))) cfg_bbs.set('web', 'modules', 'msgserve') # default path if cmd argument is not absolute, cfg_bbs.add_section('door') cfg_bbs.set('door', 'path', '/usr/local/bin:/usr/games') cfg_bbs.add_section('matrix') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'newcmds', 'new, apply') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'byecmds', 'exit, logoff, bye, quit') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'anoncmds', 'anonymous') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'script', 'matrix') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'script_telnet', 'matrix') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'script_ssh', 'matrix_ssh') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'script_sftp', 'matrix_sftp') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'topscript', 'top') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'enable_anonymous', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('matrix', 'enable_pwreset', 'yes') cfg_bbs.add_section('session') cfg_bbs.set('session', 'tap_input', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('session', 'tap_output', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('session', 'tap_events', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('session', 'tap_db', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('session', 'default_encoding', 'utf8') cfg_bbs.add_section('irc') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'server', '') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'port', '6667') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'channel', '#1984') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'enable_privnotice', 'yes') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'maxnick', '9') cfg_bbs.set('irc', 'ssl', 'no') cfg_bbs.add_section('shroo-ms') cfg_bbs.set('shroo-ms', 'enabled', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('shroo-ms', 'idkey', '') cfg_bbs.set('shroo-ms', 'restkey', '') # new user account script cfg_bbs.add_section('nua') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'script', 'nua') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'min_user', '3') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'min_pass', '4') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'max_user', '11') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'max_pass', '16') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'max_email', '30') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'max_location', '24') cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'allow_apply', 'yes') invalid_handles = u', '.join(( cfg_bbs.get('matrix', 'byecmds'), cfg_bbs.get('matrix', 'newcmds'), 'anonymous', 'sysop',)) cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'invalid_handles', invalid_handles) cfg_bbs.set('nua', 'handle_validation', '^[A-Za-z0-9]{3,11}$') cfg_bbs.add_section('msg') cfg_bbs.set('msg', 'max_subject', '40') # by default, anybody can make up a new tag. otherwise, only # those of the groups specified may. cfg_bbs.set('msg', 'moderated_tags', 'no') cfg_bbs.set('msg', 'tag_moderators', 'sysop, moderator') return cfg_bbs
[docs]def init_log_ini(): """ Return ConfigParser instance of logger defaults. """ cfg_log = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cfg_log.add_section('formatters') cfg_log.set('formatters', 'keys', 'default') cfg_log.add_section('formatter_default') # for multiprocessing/threads, use: %(processName)s %(threadName) ! cfg_log.set('formatter_default', 'format', u'%(asctime)s %(levelname)-6s ' u'%(filename)10s:%(lineno)-3s %(message)s') cfg_log.set('formatter_default', 'class', 'logging.Formatter') cfg_log.set('formatter_default', 'datefmt', '%a-%m-%d %I:%M%p') cfg_log.add_section('handlers') cfg_log.set('handlers', 'keys', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.add_section('handler_console') cfg_log.set('handler_console', 'class', 'logging.StreamHandler') cfg_log.set('handler_console', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('handler_console', 'args', 'tuple()') cfg_log.add_section('handler_rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'class', 'logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler') cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'level', 'INFO') cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'suffix', '%Y%m%d') cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'encoding', 'utf8') cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'formatter', 'default') daily_log = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser( os.path.join('~', '.x84', 'daily.log'))) cfg_log.set('handler_rotate_daily', 'args', '("' + daily_log + '", "midnight", 1, 60)') cfg_log.add_section('loggers') cfg_log.set('loggers', 'keys', 'root, sqlitedict, paramiko, xmodem, requests, irc') cfg_log.add_section('logger_root') cfg_log.set('logger_root', 'level', 'INFO') cfg_log.set('logger_root', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_root', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') # squelch sqlitedict's info, its rather long cfg_log.add_section('logger_sqlitedict') cfg_log.set('logger_sqlitedict', 'level', 'WARN') cfg_log.set('logger_sqlitedict', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_sqlitedict', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('logger_sqlitedict', 'qualname', 'sqlitedict') # squelch paramiko.transport info, also too verbose cfg_log.add_section('logger_paramiko') cfg_log.set('logger_paramiko', 'level', 'WARN') cfg_log.set('logger_paramiko', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_paramiko', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('logger_paramiko', 'qualname', 'paramiko.transport') # squelch xmodem's debug, too verbose cfg_log.add_section('logger_xmodem') cfg_log.set('logger_xmodem', 'level', 'INFO') cfg_log.set('logger_xmodem', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_xmodem', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('logger_xmodem', 'qualname', 'xmodem') # squelch requests to warn, too verbose cfg_log.add_section('logger_requests') cfg_log.set('logger_requests', 'level', 'WARN') cfg_log.set('logger_requests', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_requests', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('logger_requests', 'qualname', 'requests') # squelch irc debug, privacy-invasive cfg_log.add_section('logger_irc') cfg_log.set('logger_irc', 'level', 'INFO') cfg_log.set('logger_irc', 'formatter', 'default') cfg_log.set('logger_irc', 'handlers', 'console, rotate_daily') cfg_log.set('logger_irc', 'qualname', 'irc.client') return cfg_log
[docs]def get_ini(section=None, key=None, getter='get', split=False, splitsep=','): """ Get an ini configuration of ``section`` and ``key``. If the option does not exist, an empty list, string, or False is returned -- return type decided by the given arguments. The ``getter`` method is 'get' by default, returning a string. For booleans, use ``getter='get_boolean'``. To return a list, use ``split=True``. """ assert section is not None, section assert key is not None, key if CFG is None: # when building documentation, 'get_ini' at module-level # imports is not really an error. However, if you're importing # a module that calls get_ini before the config system is # initialized, then you're going to get an empty value! warning!! stack = inspect.stack() caller_mod, caller_func = stack[2][1], stack[2][3] warnings.warn('ini system not (yet) initialized, ' 'caller = {0}:{1}'.format(caller_mod, caller_func)) elif CFG.has_option(section, key): getter = getattr(CFG, getter) value = getter(section, key) if split and hasattr(value, 'split'): return [_value.strip() for _value in value.split(splitsep)] return value if getter == 'getboolean': return False if split: return [] return u''